
*Who & Why

*Gallery - I - II - III


*At the Movies




*Site Info


Here's (probably) the web's most extensive little collection of Gaddes images, presented for your viewing pleasure. Please try not to drool on your keyboard - they're so expensive to replace *^.^* Click on the thumbnails to see to see the full versions of the images.

All images were either scanned by myself or Webmistress Lizzard, contributed by Nariya, Jerrin, Dillypickle or Den-sama, snaffled from or... umm... found on the Internet, I don't remember where. Visitors are welcome to download images and use them as they please, but direct-linking to my copies is very, very evil.

Doujinshi - warning: homoerotic subtext a-go-go

Nothing indelicate, though. This is a classy joint *^.^*

If you have any more Gaddes pictures that you'd be willing to share with me, or if you can tell me where to find some on the Web, please email me!
